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Funky Barn Farm


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Playhouse Village


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Playhouse Village

Project Overview

An indoor play area attraction for toddlers, the playhouse village can be an arrangement of just a couple, or a whole street full of different buildings!

The range to choose from include a Police Station, Fire Station, Market, Garage, Bank, Post Office, Noodle Bar and Café.

I was asked to produce 3D visuals to advertise the new design, choose colour schemes and create theming for each of the different playhouses.

  • 3D Visualisation
  • Illustration
  • Design for Print
Project Details

Project Title: Playhouse Village
Client: David Taylor Design


“There was a gang of kids in there that were right into it – full on role play and pretending to use the things that were pictured on the wall.”
David Taylor – Owner of David Taylor Design

Playhouse Village Project

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