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Richard Marcs

Project Overview

I was initially approached by Richard Marcs, who specialise in helping applicants with emigration to New Zealand, as they required some additions and amendments to a web banner they had previously had created for them.

Following approval of the web banner I was then asked to design a new logo for Richard Marcs. I proposed the inclusion of a widely recognised Maori symbol – the ‘Koru’ into the logo. The Koru is a spiral shape which represents the unfurling frond of a silver fern and symbolises new life, growth, strength and peace, which I felt was very appropriate to reflect the business.

I have undertaken several projects for Richard Marcs since, including creating web buttons, business cards, a postcard, a letter template, a pull-up banner and variations of the logo to include emigration to Australia as well as New Zealand.

  • Illustration
  • Logo Design
  • Branding
  • Design for Print
  • Design for Web
Project Details

Project Title: Richard Marcs
Client: Richard Marcs


“Thank you Becca so much for all of your support, input and overall encouragement and direction in getting to what is now the perfect logo and branding for our company. The process you have guided us through and your friendly and professional approach with your fantastic eye for colour, design and indeed getting onto paper the ideas we had and adapting them to create a significantly stronger brand than we could have ever done on our own. I would like to say that I would highly recommend your services and would be happy to act as a reference for any new client looking to employ your services. Keep up the good work and I wish you every success for the future!”
Richard M Gunton – Managing Director

Richard Marcs Branding

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